Vision 3D, traitement de l'image et développement pour la microscopie photonique


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B. Simon, M. Debailleul, M. Houkal, C. Ecoffet, J. Bailleul , J. Lambert, A. Spangenberg , H. Liu, O. Soppera, and O. Haeberlé, "Tomographic diffractive microscopy with isotropic resolution" , Optica 4.4 (2017): 460-463. (Chargé:2x) Supplement 1.


H. Liu , "Microscopie tomographique diffractive en réflexion et profilométrie multi-angles" , Thèse de Doctorat de l'Université de Haute-Alsace(2014) (Chargé:1802x)
H. Liu, J. Bailleul, B. Simon, M. Debailleul, B. Colicchio, and O. Haeberlé , "Tomographic diffractive microscopy and multiview profilometry with flexible aberration correction." Applied optics, Vol. 53, Issue 4, pp. 748-755 (2014) . (Chargé:2038x) Cliquez ici pour la VF
J. Bailleul, B. Simon, M. Debailleul, H. Liu, O. Haeberlé , "GPU acceleration towards real-time image reconstruction in 3D tomographic diffractive microscopy." Proc SPIE 05/2012; DOI:10.1117/12.922147 (2012) . (Chargé:1804x)


A. Moukadem , "Segmentation et classification des signaux non-stationnaires : application au traitement des sons cardiaque et à l'aide au diagnostic." thèse de Doctorat, Université de Haute-Alsace (2011). (918x)
M. Sarmis; B. Simon; M. Debailleul; B. Colicchio; V. Georges; J. -J. Delaunay; O. Haeberlé , "High resolution reflection tomographic diffractive microscopy." Journal of Modern Optics, Vol.57(9), p 745 (2010). DOI: 10.1080/09500341003624743. (817x)
Bertrand Simon, Matthieu Debailleul, Anne Beghin, Yves Tourneur, and Olivier Haeberlé, "High-resolution tomographic diffractive microscopy of biological samples." J. Biophoton. 3, No. 7, 462–467 (2010)/ DOI 10.1002/jbio.200900094. (828x)
M. Debailleul, V. Georges, B. Simon, R. Morin & O . Haeberlé, "High-resolution three-dimensional tomographic diffractive microscopy of transparent inorganic and biological samples." Optics Letters, 34(1), 79-81, (2009). (779x)
M. Debailleul, B. Simon, V. Georges, O. Haeberlé & V. Lauer, "Holographic microscopy and diffractive microtomography of transparent samples." Meas. Sci. Technol. 19, 074009 (2008) . (797x)
G. Jung, E. Wunder, A. Dieterlen, P. Henon, S. Jacquey, " Three-dimensional distribution patterns of CD34 antigen on non-activated cord blood cells", Cytometry Part A 73A, 16-21, (2008).


B. Simon, M. Debailleul, V. Georges, V. Lauer & O. Haeberlé, " Tomographic diffractive microscopy of transparent samples. ", Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 44, 29-35 (2007).
R. Malfara, Y. Bailly, J.P. Prenel, C. Cudel, " Evaluation of the rainbow volumic velocimetry (RVV) process by synthetic images", Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing DOI: 10.1615 (2007).
B. Simon, " Application des techniques de déconvolution multinoyaux et de tomographie diffractive optique à l'amélioration de l'imagerie microscopique 2D et 3D". . (929x) , Thèse de doctorat, université de Haute-Alsace (2007).
Nicolas Coudray, Alain Dieterlen, Loïc Vidal, Estelle Roth, Gwénael Trouvé, " Image processing tools to correct the data given by the ELPI determining the density of the particles " Precision Engineering (2006).
R. Malfara, Y. Bailly, C. Cudel, J.P. Prenel , "Synthetic images for evaluating the image analysis process applied in Rainbow Volumic Velocimetry (RVV)", Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing (2006).
O. Haeberlé et B. Simon, "Improving the lateral resolution in confocal fluorescence microscopy using laterally interfering excitation beams", vol. 259(2), 400-408 (2006).
Colicchio B., Haeberlé O., Xu C., Dieterlen A., Jung G., " Image processing tools to correct the data given by the ELPI determining the density of the particlesImprovement of the LLS and MAP deconvolution algorithms by automatic determination of optimal regularization parameters and pre-filtering of original data", Optics communications, 244(6), 37-49, (2005).
B. Colicchio, "Déconvolution Adaptative en Microscopie Tridimensionnelle de Fluorescence". , Thèse de doctorat, université de Haute-Alsace (2004). (Chargé:717x)
Haeberlé Olivier, "De la physique de l'emission photonique au traitement des images : contribution à l'amélioration de la résolution en microscopie optique". , habilitation à diriger les recherches, université de Haute-Alsace (2004). (Chargé:951x)
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